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Post Treatment Instructions

Chemical Peel

Post-Treatment Reminders and FAQs

To ensure the health of your skin and the success of your treatment, the following guidelines are very important:


  1. It is imperative that you use a regimen approved by your provider to heal and protect your skin, which includes mandatory daily sun protection.

  2. You do not need to cleanse on day 1 following your treatment. 

  3. Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 48 hours. Apply SPF 30+ before sun exposure. Wear a hat to protect your face during sun exposure.

  4. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

  5. Do not pick or pull the skin.

  6. When cleansing, do not scrub or use a washcloth.

  7. When applying your skin care regimen, products should be applied in the following order: cleanser, serum, moisturizer, SPF 30+ protection.

  8. Wait until all peeling and flaking is complete before returning to your regular home skincare routine and products.

  9. It is especially important to avoid products with the following ingredients until the skin in the treated area appears healed and sensitivity has resolved: Retinol, Retin A, Tretinoin, Glycolic Acid, AHA, BHA, Salicylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide.


Is minimal/no peeling normal?

It is not unusual to have minimal or no peeling, especially if your current skincare regimen includes regular exfoliation, as there is not a significant build up of skin on the surface. Minimal or no peeling does not indicate that you are not getting a benefit at the cellular level and you should continue to see improved results in your skin over the next week or two.


When will I notice results?

Each individual is different and results will vary based on your unique skin. Optimal results are typically achieved with clients who continue treatments routinely. Most clients receive peels every 4 weeks for a minimum of 3-6 months.  

You can phone or text us using the number above. 


Your concerns will be addressed during business hours.


Just as we attend to you during your visit, our attention will be directed first to clients who are in-office. If you phone and we are unable to answer, please feel free to leave a message or reach out by text, and we will get back to you ASAP. 


Your concerns will be addressed during business hours. 

Just as we attend to you during your visit, our attention will be directed first to clients who are in-office. If we are unable to answer, please feel free to text or leave a message, and we will get back to you ASAP.

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